Friday, October 25, 2013


When I was a kid (read as like 3 years old all the way up through high school), being an astronaut was on the top of my list of "things I want to be when I grow up". 

My parents took me to the planetarium and science center several times a year (we'd have gone every weekend if it was my choice), I went to space lectures and even went so far as an astrophysics camp at USC one summer. 

I did not wind up becoming an astronaut.  Somewhere I realized that between throwing up from motion sickness in the car, to not being in peak physical form, that I probably wasn't destined for outer space. Still, there was that dream in me and it never really went away. 

Seeing the movie "Gravity" stressed me the frack out.


  1. I am so worried about seeing that movie. It is a panic attack waiting to happen!

    1. Dude, seriously. There was a lot of subconscious breath holding throughout - didn't even realize until I escaped off to the bathroom that I was completely out of breath.
