Wednesday, May 27, 2015

40s & 20s Podcast!

I had the distinct pleasure of being commissioned to create the FB banner and profile shots for the gaming podcast 40s & 20s twice now!  This particular episode they were talking about Candy Crush and all the lawsuits that have been circulating with King.  Interesting stuff!  Plus, beer.

This was for their 50th episode!  Mike, Ryan and Raul, riding the drunken unicorn.  Tune in next time for more talk of video games, movies, tabletop games and lots of swearing!

wedding portrait - the Munemitsus!

Another wedding portrait!  This time in watercolor for the new Mr. and Mrs!  I've been trying to show off my abilities with different mediums lately and watercolor is one of my favorites :)

Wedding Portrait - Dazets

A huge congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs.! The bride, Tiffany, commissioned this little piece from me to be used as the graphic not only for their programs, but for a giant display at their wedding!  All the guests signed it.

Wedding portraits, I'm starting to think this is my new favorite thing (besides video games).

Best Coast Beer Fest

For his 30th birthday, Josh's amazing wife commissioned a few illustrations from me to show his love of beer!  These were printed on stickers and put on party hats where he was then paraded around from booth to booth to sample all the hops the beer fest had to offer.

Doodle Dream

Hello again all!  I've been a busy bee this past few months (shipping a certain Kevin Spacey game shh), but I've also been having a blast doing a lot of great 2D commissions!

I was asked to participate in a book-release party with instagram artist jenipherlyn .
Her book is inspiring to young girls everywhere, and my illustration was meant to emphasize encouragement and friendship. Check out her book!